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Sarah Kargol Artist Reception

Sarah Kargol, our favorite monster maker, is unveiling her new work. She's taking over the Oskaloosa Art Center Gallery AND taking on a new subject matter. The show entitled, Paper Dolls, comes from new inspiration and exploration from the artist. The show will be on display throughout the month of December.

"This gallery show I'm working on has been extremely therapeutic. I've been forced to work through some new techniques and some new ideas that have been gnawing at me for several years... and I've had a blast playing in my art."

The show contains a variety of thought-provoking works. Some of the pieces are handled in her signature multimedia style with textile collage.

We hope you'll plan make a point to stop by, chat up the artist during her reception and have a little fun at our annual Holiday Party, TODAY!! Stop by between 5 and 7pm.

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